# Glossary

A business-level function that implements your application logic such as calling a service or transcoding a media file. An activity usually implements a single well-defined action; it can be short or long running. An activity can be implemented as a synchronous method or fully asynchronously involving multiple processes. An activity can be retried indefinitely according to the provided exponential retry policy. If for any reason an activity is not completed within the specified timeout, an error is reported to the workflow and the workflow decides how to handle it. There is no limit on potential activity duration.
activity task
A task that contains an activity invocation information that is delivered to an activity worker through and an activity task list. An activity worker upon receiving activity task executes a correponding activity
activity task list
Task list that is used to deliver activity task to activity worker
activity worker
An object that is executed in the client application and receives activity task from an activity task list it is subscribed to. Once task is received it invokes a correspondent activity.
Archival is a feature that automatically moves event history from persistence to a blobstore after the workflow retention period. The purpose of archival is to be able to keep histories as long as needed while not overwhelming the persistence store. There are two reasons you may want to keep the histories after the retention period has passed: 1. Compliance: For legal reasons, histories may need to be stored for a long period of time. 2. Debugging: Old histories can still be accessed for debugging.
Cadence command-line interface.
client stub
A client-side proxy used to make remote invocations to an entity that it represents. For example, to start a workflow, a stub object that represents this workflow is created through a special API. Then this stub is used to start, query, or signal the corresponding workflow. The Go client doesn't use this.
Any action taken by the workflow durable function is called a decision. For example: scheduling an activity, canceling a child workflow, or starting a timer. A decision task contains an optional list of decisions. Every decision is recorded in the event history as an event. See also [1] for more explanation
decision task
Every time a new external event that might affect a workflow state is recorded, a decision task that contains it is added to a decision task list and then picked up by a workflow worker. After the new event is handled, the decision task is completed with a list of decision. Note that handling of a decision task is usually very fast and is not related to duration of operations that the workflow invokes. See also [1] for more explanation
decision task list
Task list that is used to deliver decision task to workflow worker. From user's point of view, it can be viewed as a worker pool. It defines a pool of worker executing workflow or activity tasks.
Cadence is backed by a multitenant service. The unit of isolation is called a domain. Each domain acts as a namespace for task list names as well as workflow IDs. For example, when a workflow is started, it is started in a specific domain. Cadence guarantees a unique workflow ID within a domain, and supports running workflow executions to use the same workflow ID if they are in different domains. Various configuration options like retention period or archival destination are configured per domain as well through a special CRUD API or through the Cadence CLI. In the multi-cluster deployment, domain is a unit of fail-over. Each domain can only be active on a single Cadence cluster at a time. However, different domains can be active in different clusters and can fail-over independently.
An indivisible operation performed by your application. For example, activity_task_started, task_failed, or timer_canceled. Events are recorded in the event history.
event history
An append log of events for your application. History is durably persisted by the Cadence service, enabling seamless recovery of your application state from crashes or failures. It also serves as an audit log for debugging.
local activity
A local activity is an activity that is invoked directly in the same process by a workflow code. It consumes much less resources than a normal activity, but imposes a lot of limitations like low duration and lack of rate limiting.
A synchronous (from the caller's point of view) operation that is used to report a workflow state. Note that a query is inherently read only and cannot affect a workflow state.
run ID
A UUID that a Cadence service assigns to each workflow run. If allowed by a configured policy, you might be able to re-execute a workflow, after it has closed or failed, with the same workflow id. Each such re-execution is called a run. run id is used to uniquely identify a run even if it shares a workflow id with others.
An external asynchronous request to a workflow. It can be used to deliver notifications or updates to a running workflow at any point in its existence.
The context needed to execute a specific activity or workflow state transition. There are two types of tasks: an activity task and a decision task (aka workflow task). Note that a single activity execution corresponds to a single activity task, while a workflow execution employs multiple decision tasks.
task list
Common name for activity task list and decision task list
task token
A unique correlation ID for a Cadence activity. Activity completion calls take either task token or DomainName, WorkflowID, ActivityID arguments.
Also known as a worker service. A service that hosts the workflow and activity implementations. The worker polls the Cadence service for tasks, performs those tasks, and communicates task execution results back to the Cadence service. Worker services are developed, deployed, and operated by Cadence customers.
A fault-oblivious stateful function that orchestrates activities. A workflow has full control over which activities are executed, and in which order. A workflow must not affect the external world directly, only through activities. What makes workflow code a workflow is that its state is preserved by Cadence. Therefore any failure of a worker process that hosts the workflow code does not affect the workflow execution. The workflow continues as if these failures did not happen. At the same time, activities can fail any moment for any reason. Because workflow code is fully fault-oblivious, it is guaranteed to get notifications about activity failures or timeouts and act accordingly. There is no limit on potential workflow duration.
workflow execution
An instance of a workflow. The instance can be in the process of executing or it could have already completed execution.
workflow ID
A unique identifier for a workflow execution. Cadence guarantees the uniqueness of an ID within a domain. An attempt to start a workflow with a duplicate ID results in an already started error.
workflow task
Synonym of the decision task.
workflow worker
An object that is executed in the client application and receives decision task from an decision task list it is subscribed to. Once task is received it is handled by a correponding workflow.

1 What exactly is a Cadence decision task? (opens new window)