# Using HTTP API

# Introduction

From version 1.2.0 onwards, Cadence has introduced HTTP API support, which allows you to interact with the Cadence server using the HTTP protocol. To put this into perspective, HTTP/JSON communication is a flexible method for server interaction. In the context of Cadence, this implies that a range of RPC methods can be exposed and invoked using the HTTP protocol. This enhancement broadens the scope of interaction with the Cadence server, enabling the use of any programming language that supports HTTP. Consequently, you can leverage this functionality to initiate or terminate workflows from your bash scripts, monitor the status of your cluster, or execute any other operation that the Cadence RPC declaration supports.

# Setup

# Updating Cadence configuration files

To enable “start workflow” HTTP API, add http section to Cadence RPC configuration settings (e.g., in base.yaml or development.yaml):

        port: 8800
          - uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::StartWorkflowExecution 

Then you can run Cadence server in the following ways to use HTTP API.

# Using local binaries

Build and run ./cadence-server as described in Developing Cadence (opens new window).

# Using “docker run” command

Refer to instructions described in Using docker image for production (opens new window).

Additionally add two more environment variables:

docker run
    -e FRONTEND_HTTP_PORT=8800                          -- HTTP PORT TO LISTEN 
    -e FRONTEND_HTTP_PROCEDURES=uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::StartWorkflowExecution  -- List of API methods exposed

# Using docker-compose

Add HTTP environment variables to docker/docker-compose.yml configuration:

  image: ubercadence/server:master-auto-setup
    - "8000:8000"
    - "8001:8001"
    - "8002:8002"
    - "8003:8003"
    - "7933:7933"
    - "7934:7934"
    - "7935:7935"
    - "7939:7939"
    - "7833:7833"
    - "8800:8800"
    - "CASSANDRA_SEEDS=cassandra"
    - "DYNAMIC_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=config/dynamicconfig/development.yaml"
    - "FRONTEND_HTTP_PROCEDURES=uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::StartWorkflowExecution" 

# Using HTTP API

Start a workflow using curl command

curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: rpc-client-name' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::StartWorkflowExecution' \
    -d @data.json 

Where data.json content looks something like this:

  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflowId": "workflowid123",
  "execution_start_to_close_timeout": "11s",
  "task_start_to_close_timeout": "10s",
  "workflowType": {
    "name": "workflow_type"
  "taskList": {
    "name": "tasklist-name"
  "identity": "My custom caller identity",
  "requestId": "4D1E4058-6FCF-4BA8-BF16-8FA8B02F9651"

# HTTP API Reference

# Admin API

POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::AddSearchAttribute

# Add search attributes to whitelist

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPIAddSearchAttribute
# Example payload
  "search_attribute": {
    "custom_key": 1

Search attribute types

type value
String 1
Keyword 2
Int 3
Double 4
DateTime 5
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::AddSearchAttribute' \
    -d \
      "search_attribute": {
        "custom_key": 1
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200


POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::CloseShard

# Close a shard given a shard ID

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPICloseShard
# Example payload
  "shard_id": 0
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::CloseShard' \
    -d \
      "shard_id": 0
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200


POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::CountDLQMessages

# Count DLQ messages

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPICountDLQMessages
# Example payload


# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::CountDLQMessages'
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "history": []

POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeCluster

# Describe cluster information

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPIDescribeCluster
# Example payload


# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeCluster'
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "supportedClientVersions": {
    "goSdk": "1.7.0",
    "javaSdk": "1.5.0"
  "membershipInfo": {
    "currentHost": {
      "identity": ""
    "reachableMembers": [
    "rings": [
        "role": "cadence-frontend",
        "memberCount": 1,
        "members": [
            "identity": ""
        "role": "cadence-history",
        "memberCount": 1,
        "members": [
            "identity": ""
        "role": "cadence-matching",
        "memberCount": 1,
        "members": [
            "identity": ""
        "role": "cadence-worker",
        "memberCount": 1,
        "members": [
            "identity": ""
  "persistenceInfo": {
    "historyStore": {
      "backend": "shardedNosql"
    "visibilityStore": {
      "backend": "cassandra",
      "features": [
          "key": "advancedVisibilityEnabled"

POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeHistoryHost

# Describe internal information of history host

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPIDescribeHistoryHost
# Example payload
  "host_address": ""
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeHistoryHost' \
    -d \
      "host_address": ""
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "numberOfShards": 4,
  "domainCache": {
    "numOfItemsInCacheByID": 5,
    "numOfItemsInCacheByName": 5
  "shardControllerStatus": "started",
  "address": ""

POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeShardDistribution

# List shard distribution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPIDescribeShardDistribution
# Example payload
  "page_size": 100,
  "page_id": 0
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeShardDistribution' \
    -d \
      "page_size": 100,
      "page_id": 0
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "numberOfShards": 4,
  "shards": {
    "0": "",
    "1": "",
    "2": "",
    "3": ""

POST uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeWorkflowExecution

# Describe internal information of workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPIDescribeWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f"

run_id is optional and allows to describe a specific run.

# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.admin.v1.AdminAPI::DescribeWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
        "run_id": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f"
    }' | tr -d '\'
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "shardId": 3,
  "historyAddr": "",
  "mutableStateInDatabase": {
    "ActivityInfos": {},
    "TimerInfos": {},
    "ChildExecutionInfos": {},
    "RequestCancelInfos": {},
    "SignalInfos": {},
    "SignalRequestedIDs": {},
    "ExecutionInfo": {
      "DomainID": "d7aff879-f524-43a8-b340-5a223a69d75b",
      "WorkflowID": "sample-workflow-id",
      "RunID": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f",
      "FirstExecutionRunID": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f",
      "ParentDomainID": "",
      "ParentWorkflowID": "",
      "ParentRunID": "",
      "InitiatedID": -7,
      "CompletionEventBatchID": 3,
      "CompletionEvent": null,
      "TaskList": "sample-task-list",
      "WorkflowTypeName": "sample-workflow-type",
      "WorkflowTimeout": 11,
      "DecisionStartToCloseTimeout": 10,
      "ExecutionContext": null,
      "State": 2,
      "CloseStatus": 6,
      "LastFirstEventID": 3,
      "LastEventTaskID": 8388614,
      "NextEventID": 4,
      "LastProcessedEvent": -23,
      "StartTimestamp": "2023-09-08T05:13:04.24Z",
      "LastUpdatedTimestamp": "2023-09-08T05:13:15.247Z",
      "CreateRequestID": "8049b932-6c2f-415a-9bb2-241dcf4cfc9c",
      "SignalCount": 0,
      "DecisionVersion": 0,
      "DecisionScheduleID": 2,
      "DecisionStartedID": -23,
      "DecisionRequestID": "emptyUuid",
      "DecisionTimeout": 10,
      "DecisionAttempt": 0,
      "DecisionStartedTimestamp": 0,
      "DecisionScheduledTimestamp": 1694149984240504000,
      "DecisionOriginalScheduledTimestamp": 1694149984240503000,
      "CancelRequested": false,
      "CancelRequestID": "",
      "StickyTaskList": "",
      "StickyScheduleToStartTimeout": 0,
      "ClientLibraryVersion": "",
      "ClientFeatureVersion": "",
      "ClientImpl": "",
      "AutoResetPoints": {},
      "Memo": null,
      "SearchAttributes": null,
      "PartitionConfig": null,
      "Attempt": 0,
      "HasRetryPolicy": false,
      "InitialInterval": 0,
      "BackoffCoefficient": 0,
      "MaximumInterval": 0,
      "ExpirationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "MaximumAttempts": 0,
      "NonRetriableErrors": null,
      "BranchToken": null,
      "CronSchedule": "",
      "IsCron": false,
      "ExpirationSeconds": 0
    "ExecutionStats": null,
    "BufferedEvents": [],
    "VersionHistories": {
      "CurrentVersionHistoryIndex": 0,
      "Histories": [
          "Items": [
              "EventID": 3,
              "Version": 0
    "ReplicationState": null,
    "Checksum": {
      "Version": 0,
      "Flavor": 0,
      "Value": null

# Domain API

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.DomainAPI::DescribeDomain

# Describe existing workflow domain

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.DomainAPIDescribeDomain
# Example payload
  "name": "sample-domain",
  "uuid": "d7aff879-f524-43a8-b340-5a223a69d75b"

uuid of the domain is optional.

# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.DomainAPI::DescribeDomain' \
    -d \
      "name": "sample-domain"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "domain": {
    "id": "d7aff879-f524-43a8-b340-5a223a69d75b",
    "name": "sample-domain",
    "data": {},
    "workflowExecutionRetentionPeriod": "259200s",
    "badBinaries": {
      "binaries": {}
    "historyArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_ENABLED",
    "historyArchivalUri": "file:///tmp/cadence_archival/development",
    "visibilityArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_ENABLED",
    "visibilityArchivalUri": "file:///tmp/cadence_vis_archival/development",
    "activeClusterName": "cluster0",
    "clusters": [
        "clusterName": "cluster0"
    "isGlobalDomain": true,
    "isolationGroups": {}

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.DomainAPI::ListDomains

# List all domains in the cluster

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.DomainAPIListDomains
# Example payload
  "page_size": 100
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.DomainAPI::ListDomains' \
    -d \
      "page_size": 100
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "domains": [
      "id": "3116607e-419b-4783-85fc-47726a4c3fe9",
      "name": "cadence-batcher",
      "description": "Cadence internal system domain",
      "data": {},
      "workflowExecutionRetentionPeriod": "604800s",
      "badBinaries": {
        "binaries": {}
      "historyArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_DISABLED",
      "visibilityArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_DISABLED",
      "activeClusterName": "cluster0",
      "clusters": [
          "clusterName": "cluster0"
      "failoverVersion": "-24",
      "isolationGroups": {}
      "id": "59c51119-1b41-4a28-986d-d6e377716f82",
      "name": "cadence-shadower",
      "description": "Cadence internal system domain",
      "data": {},
      "workflowExecutionRetentionPeriod": "604800s",
      "badBinaries": {
        "binaries": {}
      "historyArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_DISABLED",
      "visibilityArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_DISABLED",
      "activeClusterName": "cluster0",
      "clusters": [
          "clusterName": "cluster0"
      "failoverVersion": "-24",
      "isolationGroups": {}
      "id": "32049b68-7872-4094-8e63-d0dd59896a83",
      "name": "cadence-system",
      "description": "cadence system workflow domain",
      "ownerEmail": "cadence-dev-group@uber.com",
      "data": {},
      "workflowExecutionRetentionPeriod": "259200s",
      "badBinaries": {
        "binaries": {}
      "historyArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_DISABLED",
      "visibilityArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_DISABLED",
      "activeClusterName": "cluster0",
      "clusters": [
          "clusterName": "cluster0"
      "failoverVersion": "-24",
      "isolationGroups": {}
      "id": "d7aff879-f524-43a8-b340-5a223a69d75b",
      "name": "sample-domain",
      "data": {},
      "workflowExecutionRetentionPeriod": "259200s",
      "badBinaries": {
        "binaries": {}
      "historyArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_ENABLED",
      "historyArchivalUri": "file:///tmp/cadence_archival/development",
      "visibilityArchivalStatus": "ARCHIVAL_STATUS_ENABLED",
      "visibilityArchivalUri": "file:///tmp/cadence_vis_archival/development",
      "activeClusterName": "cluster0",
      "clusters": [
          "clusterName": "cluster0"
      "isGlobalDomain": true,
      "isolationGroups": {}
  "nextPageToken": ""

# Meta API

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.MetaAPI::Health

# Health check

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.MetaAPIHealth
# Example payload


# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
  -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
  -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
  -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
  -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
  -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.MetaAPI::Health'
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "ok": true,
  "message": "OK"

# Visibility API

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPI::GetSearchAttributes

# Get search attributes

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPIGetSearchAttributes
# Example payload


# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
  -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
  -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
  -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
  -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
  -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPI::GetSearchAttributes'
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "keys": {
    "BinaryChecksums": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_KEYWORD",
    "CadenceChangeVersion": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_KEYWORD",
    "CloseStatus": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "CloseTime": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "CustomBoolField": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_BOOL",
    "CustomDatetimeField": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_DATETIME",
    "CustomDoubleField": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_DOUBLE",
    "CustomIntField": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "CustomKeywordField": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_KEYWORD",
    "CustomStringField": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_STRING",
    "ExecutionTime": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "HistoryLength": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "NumClusters": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "StartTime": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "UpdateTime": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_INT",
    "addon-type": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_KEYWORD",
    "environment": "INDEXED_VALUE_TYPE_KEYWORD",

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPI::ListClosedWorkflowExecutions

# List closed workflow executions in a domain

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPIListClosedWorkflowExecutions
# Example payloads

startTimeFilter is required while executionFilter and typeFilter are optional.

  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "start_time_filter": {
    "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "start_time_filter": {
    "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
  "execution_filter": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "71c3d47b-454a-4315-97c7-15355140094b"
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "start_time_filter": {
    "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
  "type_filter": {
    "name": "sample-workflow-type"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPI::ListClosedWorkflowExecutions' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "start_time_filter": {
        "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "executions": [
      "workflowExecution": {
        "workflowId": "sample-workflow-id",
        "runId": "71c3d47b-454a-4315-97c7-15355140094b"
      "type": {
        "name": "sample-workflow-type"
      "startTime": "2023-09-08T06:31:18.778Z",
      "closeTime": "2023-09-08T06:32:18.782Z",
      "historyLength": "5",
      "executionTime": "2023-09-08T06:31:18.778Z",
      "memo": {},
      "searchAttributes": {
        "indexedFields": {}
      "taskList": "sample-task-list"
  "nextPageToken": ""

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPI::ListOpenWorkflowExecutions

# List open workflow executions in a domain

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPIListOpenWorkflowExecutions
# Example payloads

startTimeFilter is required while executionFilter and typeFilter are optional.

  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "start_time_filter": {
    "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "start_time_filter": {
    "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
  "execution_filter": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "71c3d47b-454a-4315-97c7-15355140094b"
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "start_time_filter": {
    "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
  "type_filter": {
    "name": "sample-workflow-type"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
  -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
  -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
  -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
  -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
  -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.VisibilityAPI::ListOpenWorkflowExecutions' \
  -d \
    "domain": "sample-domain",
    "start_time_filter": {
      "earliest_time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "latest_time": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "executions": [
      "workflowExecution": {
        "workflowId": "sample-workflow-id",
        "runId": "5dbabeeb-82a2-41ed-bf55-dc732a4d46ce"
      "type": {
        "name": "sample-workflow-type"
      "startTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:46.596Z",
      "executionTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:46.596Z",
      "memo": {},
      "searchAttributes": {
        "indexedFields": {}
      "taskList": "sample-task-list"
  "nextPageToken": ""

# Workflow API

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::DescribeTaskList

# Describe pollers info of tasklist

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIDescribeTaskList
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "task_list": {
    "name": "sample-task-list",
    "kind": 1
  "task_list_type": 1,
  "include_task_list_status": true

task_list kind is optional.

Task list kinds

type value
TaskListKindNormal 1
TaskListKindSticky 2

Task list types

type value
TaskListTypeDecision 1
TaskListTypeActivity 2
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::DescribeTaskList' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "task_list": {
        "name": "sample-task-list",
        "kind": 1
      "task_list_type": 1,
      "include_task_list_status": true
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "taskListStatus": {
    "readLevel": "200000",
    "ratePerSecond": 100000,
    "taskIdBlock": {
      "startId": "200001",
      "endId": "300000"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::DescribeWorkflowExecution

# Describe a workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIDescribeWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "5dbabeeb-82a2-41ed-bf55-dc732a4d46ce"

run_id is optional and allows to describe a specific run.

# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
  -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
  -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
  -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
  -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
  -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::DescribeWorkflowExecution' \
  -d \
    "domain": "sample-domain",
    "workflow_execution": {
      "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
      "run_id": "5dbabeeb-82a2-41ed-bf55-dc732a4d46ce"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "executionConfiguration": {
    "taskList": {
      "name": "sample-task-list"
    "executionStartToCloseTimeout": "11s",
    "taskStartToCloseTimeout": "10s"
  "workflowExecutionInfo": {
    "workflowExecution": {
      "workflowId": "sample-workflow-id",
      "runId": "5dbabeeb-82a2-41ed-bf55-dc732a4d46ce"
    "type": {
      "name": "sample-workflow-type"
    "startTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:46.596Z",
    "closeTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:57.602707Z",
    "historyLength": "3",
    "executionTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:46.596Z",
    "memo": {},
    "searchAttributes": {},
    "autoResetPoints": {}
  "pendingDecision": {
    "scheduledTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:46.596982Z",
    "originalScheduledTime": "2023-09-12T02:17:46.596982Z"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::GetClusterInfo

# Get supported client versions for the cluster

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIGetClusterInfo
# Example payload


# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
  -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
  -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
  -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
  -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
  -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::GetClusterInfo'
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "supportedClientVersions": {
    "goSdk": "1.7.0",
    "javaSdk": "1.5.0"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::GetTaskListsByDomain

# Get the task lists in a domain

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIGetTaskListsByDomain
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::GetTaskListsByDomain' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "decisionTaskListMap": {},
  "activityTaskListMap": {}

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::GetWorkflowExecutionHistory

# Get the history of workflow executions

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIGetWorkflowExecutionHistory
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::GetWorkflowExecutionHistory' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "history": {
    "events": [
        "eventId": "1",
        "eventTime": "2023-09-12T05:34:46.107550Z",
        "taskId": "9437321",
        "workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes": {
          "workflowType": {
            "name": "sample-workflow-type"
          "taskList": {
            "name": "sample-task-list"
          "input": {
            "data": "IkN1cmwhIg=="
          "executionStartToCloseTimeout": "61s",
          "taskStartToCloseTimeout": "60s",
          "originalExecutionRunId": "fd7c2283-79dd-458c-8306-e2d1d8217613",
          "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
          "firstExecutionRunId": "fd7c2283-79dd-458c-8306-e2d1d8217613",
          "firstDecisionTaskBackoff": "0s"
        "eventId": "2",
        "eventTime": "2023-09-12T05:34:46.107565Z",
        "taskId": "9437322",
        "decisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes": {
          "taskList": {
            "name": "sample-task-list"
          "startToCloseTimeout": "60s"
        "eventId": "3",
        "eventTime": "2023-09-12T05:34:59.184511Z",
        "taskId": "9437330",
        "workflowExecutionCancelRequestedEventAttributes": {
          "cause": "dummy",
          "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history"
        "eventId": "4",
        "eventTime": "2023-09-12T05:35:47.112156Z",
        "taskId": "9437332",
        "workflowExecutionTimedOutEventAttributes": {
          "timeoutType": "TIMEOUT_TYPE_START_TO_CLOSE"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::ListTaskListPartitions

# List all the task list partitions and the hostname for partitions

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIListTaskListPartitions
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "task_list": {
    "name": "sample-task-list"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::ListTaskListPartitions' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "task_list": {
        "name": "sample-task-list"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "activityTaskListPartitions": [
      "key": "sample-task-list",
      "ownerHostName": ""
  "decisionTaskListPartitions": [
      "key": "sample-task-list",
      "ownerHostName": ""

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::RefreshWorkflowTasks

# Refresh all the tasks of a workflow

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIRefreshWorkflowTasks
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "b7973fb8-2229-4fe7-ad70-c919c1ae8774"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::RefreshWorkflowTasks' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
        "run_id": "b7973fb8-2229-4fe7-ad70-c919c1ae8774"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200


POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::RequestCancelWorkflowExecution

# Cancel a workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIRequestCancelWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "b7973fb8-2229-4fe7-ad70-c919c1ae8774"
  "request_id": "8049B932-6C2F-415A-9BB2-241DCF4CFC9C",
  "cause": "dummy",
  "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
  "first_execution_run_id": "b7973fb8-2229-4fe7-ad70-c919c1ae8774"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::RequestCancelWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
        "run_id": "fd7c2283-79dd-458c-8306-e2d1d8217613"
      "request_id": "8049B932-6C2F-415A-9BB2-241DCF4CFC9C",
      "cause": "dummy",
      "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
      "first_execution_run_id": "fd7c2283-79dd-458c-8306-e2d1d8217613"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200


POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::RestartWorkflowExecution

# Restart a previous workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIRestartWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "0f95ad5b-03bc-4c6b-8cf0-1f3ea08eb86a"
  "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
  "reason": "dummy"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::RestartWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
        "run_id": "0f95ad5b-03bc-4c6b-8cf0-1f3ea08eb86a"
      "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
      "reason": "dummy"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "runId": "82914458-3221-42b4-ae54-2e66dff864f7"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution

# Signal the current open workflow if exists, or attempt to start a new run based on IDResuePolicy and signals it

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPISignalWithStartWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "start_request": {
    "domain": "sample-domain",
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "execution_start_to_close_timeout": "61s",
    "task_start_to_close_timeout": "60s",
    "workflow_type": {
      "name": "sample-workflow-type"
    "task_list": {
      "name": "sample-task-list"
    "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
    "request_id": "8049B932-6C2F-415A-9BB2-241DCF4CFC9C",
    "input": {
      "data": "IkN1cmwhIg=="
  "signal_name": "channelA",
  "signal_input": {
    "data": "MTA="
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::SignalWithStartWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "start_request": {
        "domain": "sample-domain",
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
        "execution_start_to_close_timeout": "61s",
        "task_start_to_close_timeout": "60s",
        "workflow_type": {
          "name": "sample-workflow-type"
        "task_list": {
          "name": "sample-task-list"
        "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
        "request_id": "8049B932-6C2F-415A-9BB2-241DCF4CFC9C",
        "input": {
          "data": "IkN1cmwhIg=="
      "signal_name": "channelA",
      "signal_input": {
        "data": "MTA="
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "runId": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::SignalWorkflowExecution

# Signal a workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPISignalWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f"
  "signal_name": "channelA",
  "signal_input": {
    "data": "MTA="

run_id is optional and allows to signal a specific run.

# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::SignalWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id"
      "signal_name": "channelA",
      "signal_input": {
        "data": "MTA="
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200


POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::StartWorkflowExecution

# Start a new workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPIStartWorkflowExecution
# Example payload
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
  "execution_start_to_close_timeout": "61s",
  "task_start_to_close_timeout": "60s",
  "workflow_type": {
    "name": "sample-workflow-type"
  "task_list": {
    "name": "sample-task-list"
  "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
  "request_id": "8049B932-6C2F-415A-9BB2-241DCF4CFC9C",
  "input": {
    "data": "IkN1cmwhIg=="
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::StartWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
      "execution_start_to_close_timeout": "61s",
      "task_start_to_close_timeout": "60s",
      "workflow_type": {
        "name": "sample-workflow-type"
      "task_list": {
        "name": "sample-task-list"
      "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
      "request_id": "8049B932-6C2F-415A-9BB2-241DCF4CFC9C",
      "input": {
        "data": "IkN1cmwhIg=="
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200

  "runId": "cc09d5dd-b2fa-46d8-b426-54c96b12d18f"

POST uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::TerminateWorkflowExecution

# Terminate a new workflow execution

# Headers
name example
context-ttl-ms 2000
rpc-caller curl-client
rpc-service cadence-frontend
rpc-encoding json
rpc-procedure uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPITerminateWorkflowExecution
# Example payloads
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id"
  "domain": "sample-domain",
  "workflow_execution": {
    "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id",
    "run_id": "0f95ad5b-03bc-4c6b-8cf0-1f3ea08eb86a"
  "reason": "dummy",
  "identity": "client-name-visible-in-history",
  "first_execution_run_id": "0f95ad5b-03bc-4c6b-8cf0-1f3ea08eb86a"
# Example cURL
curl -X POST \
    -H 'context-ttl-ms: 2000' \
    -H 'rpc-caller: curl-client' \
    -H 'rpc-service: cadence-frontend' \
    -H 'rpc-encoding: json' \
    -H 'rpc-procedure: uber.cadence.api.v1.WorkflowAPI::TerminateWorkflowExecution' \
    -d \
      "domain": "sample-domain",
      "workflow_execution": {
        "workflow_id": "sample-workflow-id"
# Example successful response

HTTP code: 200
