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Install Cadence Service Locally

To get started with Cadence, you need to set up three components successfully.

  • A Cadence server hosting dependencies that Cadence relies on such as Cassandra, Elastic Search, etc
  • A Cadence domain for you workflow application
  • A Cadence worker service hosting your workflows

0. Prerequisite - Install docker

Follow the Docker installation instructions found here:

1. Run Cadence Server Using Docker Compose

Download the Cadence docker-compose file:

curl -O && curl -O

Then start Cadence Service by running:

docker-compose up

Please keep this process running at background.

2. Register a Domain Using the CLI

In a new terminal, create a new domain called test-domain (or choose whatever name you like) by running:

docker run --network=host --rm ubercadence/cli:master --do test-domain domain register -rd 1

Check that the domain is indeed registered:

$ docker run --network=host --rm ubercadence/cli:master --do test-domain domain describe
Name: test-domain
DomainData: map[]
RetentionInDays: 1
EmitMetrics: false
ActiveClusterName: active
Clusters: active
ArchivalStatus: DISABLED
Bad binaries to reset:

Please remember the domains you created because they will be used in your worker implementation and Cadence CLI commands.

What's Next

So far you've successfully finished two prerequisites to your Cadence application. The next steps are to implement a simple worker service that hosts your workflows and to run your very first hello world Cadence workflow.

Go to Java HelloWorld or Golang HelloWorld.


There can be various reasons that docker-compose up cannot succeed:

  • In case of the image being too old, update the docker image by docker pull ubercadence/server:master-auto-setup and retry
  • In case of the local docker env is messed up: docker system prune --all and retry (see details about it )
  • See logs of different container:
    • If Cassandra is not able to get up: docker logs -f docker_cassandra_1
    • If Cadence is not able to get up: docker logs -f docker_cadence_1
    • If Cadence Web is not able to get up: docker logs -f docker_cadence-web_1

If the above is still not working, open an issue in Server(main) repo.