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Starting workflow executions

Creating a WorkflowClient

A workflow interface that executes a workflow requires initializing a WorkflowClient instance, creating a client side stub to the workflow, and then calling a method annotated with @WorkflowMethod.

A simple WorkflowClient instance that utilises the tchannel communication protocol can be initialised as follows:

WorkflowClient workflowClient =
new WorkflowServiceTChannel(
// Create a workflow stub.
FileProcessingWorkflow workflow = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(FileProcessingWorkflow.class);

Alternatively, if wishing to create a WorkflowClient that uses TLS, we can initialise a client that uses the gRPC communication protocol instead. First, additions will need to be made to the project's pom.xml:


Then, use the following client implementation; provide a TLS certificate with which the cluster has also been configured (replace "/path/to/cert/file" in the sample):

WorkflowClient workflowClient =
new Thrift2ProtoAdapter(
NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(cadenceServiceHost, cadenceServicePort)
.trustManager(new File("/path/to/cert/file"))
// Create a workflow stub.
FileProcessingWorkflow workflow = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(FileProcessingWorkflow.class);

Or, if you are using version prior to 3.0.0, a WorkflowClient can be created as follows:

WorkflowClient workflowClient = WorkflowClient.newClient(cadenceServiceHost, cadenceServicePort, domain);
// Create a workflow stub.
FileProcessingWorkflow workflow = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(FileProcessingWorkflow.class);

Executing Workflows

There are two ways to start asynchronously and synchronously. Asynchronous start initiates a workflow_execution and immediately returns to the caller. This is the most common way to start workflows in production code. Synchronous invocation starts a workflow and then waits for its completion. If the process that started the workflow crashes or stops waiting, the workflow continues executing. Because workflows are potentially long running, and crashes of clients happen, this is not very commonly found in production use.

Asynchronous start:

// Returns as soon as the workflow starts.
WorkflowExecution workflowExecution = WorkflowClient.start(workflow::processFile, workflowArgs);

System.out.println("Started process file workflow with workflowId=\"" + workflowExecution.getWorkflowId()
+ "\" and runId=\"" + workflowExecution.getRunId() + "\"");

Synchronous start:

// Start a workflow and then wait for a result.
// Note that if the waiting process is killed, the workflow will continue execution.
String result = workflow.processFile(workflowArgs);

If you need to wait for a workflow completion after an asynchronous start, the most straightforward way is to call the blocking version again. If WorkflowOptions.WorkflowIdReusePolicy is not AllowDuplicate, then instead of throwing DuplicateWorkflowException, it reconnects to an existing workflow and waits for its completion. The following example shows how to do this from a different process than the one that started the workflow. All this process needs is a WorkflowID.

WorkflowExecution execution = new WorkflowExecution().setWorkflowId(workflowId);
FileProcessingWorkflow workflow = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(execution);
// Returns result potentially waiting for workflow to complete.
String result = workflow.processFile(workflowArgs);