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Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies
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Cadence Community Spotlight Update - September 2022

· 2 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Here’s the latest in our regular monthly Community Spotlight updates that gives you news from in and around the Cadence community!

Please see below for a roundup of the highlights:

A Cadence talk by Ender Demirkaya and Ben Slater has been accepted for Developer Week Enterprise.

The talk is scheduled to for 16th November so please make a note in your calendars.

Sharing Knowledge

Over the last few months we have had a continual stream of Cadence questions in our Slack #support channel or on StackOverflow. As a result of the increased interest some members from the Cadence core team have decided to spend some time each day responding to your questions.

Remember that if you have received a response that has solved your problem especially on StackOverflow then please don't forget to accept answer!

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - August 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Here’s the latest in our regular monthly Community Spotlight updates that gives you news from in and around the Cadence community!

Please see below for a roundup of the highlights:

Community Survey

We are working on putting together our first community survey to find out a bit more about our community. We would like to get your feedback about on a few things such as:

  • how you are using Cadence
  • any specific experiences you have had where you'd like to see new features
  • any special use cases not yet covered
  • and of course whatever other feedback you'd like to give us

So please watch out for the survey which will be coming out to you via the Slack channel soon!

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - July 2022

· 2 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Here’s our monthly Community Spotlight update that gives you news from in and around the Cadence community!

Please see below for a roundup of the highlights:

Flying Drones with Cadence

Community member Paul Brebner has released another blog in the series of using Cadence to manage a drone delivery service. You can see a simulated view of it in action

Don’t forget to try out the code yourself and remember if you have used Cadence to do something interesting then please let us know so we can feature it in our next update.

GitHub Statistics

During July the main Cadence branch had 28 pull requests (PRs) merged. There were 214 files changed by 11 different authors. You can find more details here

The Cadence documentation repository was not as busy with only 2 PRs merged in July, 5 commits and 3 authors active. More details can be found here

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - June 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

It’s time for our monthly Cadence Community Spotlight update with news from in and around the Cadence community!

Please see below for a roundup of the highlights:

Knowledge Sharing and Support

Our Slack #support channel has been busy this month with 13 questions asked this month by 12 different community members. Six community members took time to respond to those questions which clearly shows our community is growing, collaborating and keen to share knowledge.

Please don’t forget that we encourage everyone to post questions on StackOverflow using the cadence-workflow and uber-cadence tags so that others with similar questions or issues can easily search for and find an answer.

Improving Technical Office Hours

Over the last few months we have been holding regular monthly Office Hours meetings but they have not attracted as many participants as we would like. We would like to understand if there is something preventing people from attending (e.g perhaps the timing or dates are not convenient) so we are planning to send out a short community survey.

If you have any ideas or comments about how we can improve our community office hours sessions then please include this in your feedback or contact us in the #community Slack channel.

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - May 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Welcome to our regular Cadence Community Spotlight update!

This is our monthly blog post series focused on news from in and around the Cadence community.

Please see below for a short activity roundup of what has happened recently in the community.

Cadence Polling Cookbook

Do you want to understand polling work and have an example of how to set it up in Cadence? Well a brand new Cadence Polling cookbook is now available that gives you all the details you need. The cookbook was created by several members of the Instaclustr team and they are keen to share it with the community. The pdf version of the cookbook can found on the Cadence website under the Polling an external API for a specific resource to become available section of the Polling Use cases.

A Github repository has also been created with the sample cookbook code for you to try out for yourself.

So please go ahead and try out the cookbook and don’t forget to let us have your feedback.

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - April 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Welcome to our Cadence Community Spotlight update!

This is our monthly blog post series focused on news from in and around the Cadence community.

Please see below for a short activity roundup of what has happened recently in the community.

SD Times Names Cadence Open Source Project of the Week

In April Cadence was named as open source project of the week by the SD Times. Being named gives the project some great publicity and means the project is getting noticed. You can find a link to the article in the Cadence in the News section below.

Follow Us on LinkedIn and Twitter!

We have now set up Cadence accounts on LinkedIn and Twitter where you can keep up to date with what is happening in the community. We will be using these social media accounts to share news, articles, stories and links related to Cadence - so please follow us!

And don’t forget to share your news with us. We are looking forward to receiving your feedback and comments. The more we interact - the more we build our community!

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - March 2022

· 4 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Welcome to our Cadence Community Spotlight update!

This is the latest in our series of monthly blog posts focused on the Cadence community and news about what you have been doing with Cadence.

Please see below for a short activity roundup of what has happened recently in the community.

Updated Cadence Topology Diagram

Did you know that we have an updated Cadence Service diagram on the website? Well we do - and you can find it on our Deployment Topology page. We are always looking for information that helps makes it easier for people to understand how Cadence works.

Special thanks to Ben Slater for updating the diagram and also to Ender, Emrah and Long for helping review it.

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - February 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Welcome to the Cadence Community Spotlight update!

This is the second in our series of monthly updates focused on the Cadence community and news about what you have been doing with Cadence. We hope that you enjoyed last month's update and are keen to find out what has been happening.

Please see below for a short activity roundup of what has happened recently in the community.


Just in case you missed it the alpha version of the Cadence notification service has been released. Details can be found at the following link: Cadence Notification Service

Thanks very much to everyone that worked on this!

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - January 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Welcome to our very first Cadence Community Spotlight update!

This monthly update focuses on news from the wider Cadence community and is all about what you have been doing with Cadence. Do you have an interesting project that uses Cadence? If so then we want to hear from you. Also if you have any news items, blogs, articles, videos or events where Cadence has been mentioned then that is good too. We want to showcase that our community is active and is doing exciting and interesting things.

Please see below for a short round up of things that have happened recently in the community.