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2024 Cadence Yearly Roadmap Update

· 17 min read
Ender Demirkaya
Senior Manager at Uber, Cadence. Author of the Software Engineering Handbook


If you haven’t heard about Cadence, this section is for you. In a short description, Cadence is a code-driven workflow orchestration engine. The definition itself may not tell enough, so it would help splitting it into three parts:

  • What’s a workflow? (everyone has a different definition)
  • Why does it matter to be code-driven?
  • Benefits of Cadence

What is a Workflow?


In the simplest definition, it is “a multi-step execution”. Step here represents individual operations that are a little heavier than small in-process function calls. Although they are not limited to those: it could be a separate service call, processing a large dataset, map-reduce, thread sleep, scheduling next run, waiting for an external input, starting a sub workflow etc. It’s anything a user thinks as a single unit of logic in their code. Those steps often have dependencies among themselves. Some steps, including the very first step, might require external triggers (e.g. button click) or schedules. In the more broader meaning, any multi-step function or service is a workflow in principle.

Cadence Community Spotlight Update - January 2022

· 3 min read
Sharan Foga
Director of Operations & Customer Success @ Encube Technologies

Welcome to our very first Cadence Community Spotlight update!

This monthly update focuses on news from the wider Cadence community and is all about what you have been doing with Cadence. Do you have an interesting project that uses Cadence? If so then we want to hear from you. Also if you have any news items, blogs, articles, videos or events where Cadence has been mentioned then that is good too. We want to showcase that our community is active and is doing exciting and interesting things.

Please see below for a short round up of things that have happened recently in the community.

Announcing Cadence OSS office hours and community sync up

· 2 min read
Liang Mei
Engineering Manager @ Uber

Are you a current Cadence user, do you operate Cadence services, or are you interested in learning about workflow technologies and wonder what problems Cadence could solve for you? We would like to talk to you!

Our team has spent a significant amount of time working with users and partner teams at Uber to design, scale and operate their workflows. This helps our users understand the technology better, smooth their learning curve and ramp up experience, and at the same time allows us to get fast and direct feedback so we can improve the developer experience and close feature gaps. As our product and community grows, we would like to expand this practice to our users in the OSS community. For the first time ever, members of the Cadence team along with core contributors from the community will host bi-weekly office hours to answer any questions you have about Cadence, or workflow technology in general. We can also dedicate future sessions to specific topics that have a common interest. Please don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts.

Please join a session if you would like to talk about any of the following topics:

  1. Understand what Cadence is and why it might be useful for you and your company
  2. Guidance about running Cadence services and workers in production
  3. Workflow design and operation consultation
  4. Product update, future roadmaps as well as collaboration opportunities

Building and maintaining a healthy and growing community is the key to the success of Cadence, and one of the top priorities for our team. We would like to use the office hours as an opportunity to understand and help our customers, seek feedback, and forge partnerships. We look forward to seeing you in one of the meetings.

Upcoming Office Hours

As we have a geo-distributed userbase, we are still trying to figure out a time that works for most of the people. In the meanwhile, we will manually schedule the first few instances of the meeting until we settle on a fixed schedule. Our next office hours will take place on Thursday, October 21 2pm-3pm PT/5pm-6pm EST/9pm-10pm GMT. Please join via this zoom link.